Maintenance Tips

  • Stay off newly applied sealcoat for at least 24 hours.

  • Do not to drive on the newly applied sealcoat for at least 48 hours, and avoid turning tires while stationary.

  • Do not park your vehicle on cracks that have been sealed for at least seven days.

  • Sprinkler systems should be turned off at least 12 hours before we arrive and should remain off for a minimum of 12 hours after we sealcoat.

  • Refrain from using products like “Tire Shine” on the driveway.

  • Our services temporarily gets rid of the grass and weeds growing up through the driveway cracks. To permanently remove vegetation you will want to use a product that will kill the roots that are under the pavement. Your local nursery or hardware store can make suggestions on what product to use.

  • Filling the cracks and joints will temporarily get rid of the any ant holes in the asphalt crevices. However, the ants can eat through the rubber and re-make their holes. For a more permanent solution, it is best to contact an exterminating service to help rid the driveway of ants prior to our arrival.

  • We recommend that you fill the cracks and joints every year to keep moisture out from underneath your driveway. Cracks in your pavement allow water to penetrate the base beneath the surface which can result in more widespread cracking, sunken or broken-up asphalt, and eventually complete pavement failure.

  • Dawn dish soap can aid in removing fresh oil spots from your driveway.

  • Keeping the pavement free from dirt and debris will help extend the life of the sealcoat.



Driveway looks so beautiful. Better than it did when it was brand new. No one could do that with the stuff from Home Depot, it’s so smooth and even. The guys took extra time on the edging to make it look beau...

– James C.
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Our Service Area

BorderLines provides residential and commercial pavement services in the Twin Cities’ North Metro area.